Multiple Choice Questions
1) Which of the following is not an antidepressant drug?
2) Anxiolytic drugs are used to treat:
3) What is a major side effect of Prozac?
4) antipsychotics do which of the following?
5) Beck's Cognitive therapy for depression requires the individual to:
6) Behaviour analysis is based upon the principles of:
7) Behaviour modification is a type of:
8) Drugs called Benzodiazepines are used to treat:
9) Client centred therapy is a type of:
10) Which of the following might be considered as the central tenets of Client-Centred Therapy:
11) It is generally considered that Cognitive behavioural therapy changes:
12) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is generally perceived as:
13) Which of the following is not a Behaviour Therapy technique?
14) The principle of extinction assumes that emotional problems can be:
15) Counterconditioning is an exposure therapy technique which involves:
16) Contininual professional development (CPD) demonstrates that a therapist:
17) Counselling is a profession that aims to:
18) According to the psychodynamic view dream analysis is one of the central tenets of:
19) Empathy involves:
20) An encounter group:
21) Group therapy can be advantageous when an individual:
22) Which of the following possibilities makes email a useful adjunct to face to face sessions?
23) Family therapy is generally used to:
24) Systems theory involves:
25) Faulty learning involves:
26) Functional analysis is a therapy based on:
27) Token Economy is an influential intervention based upon:
28) When determining whether a treatment works because of the principles it contains it is known as:
29) Meta-analysis is often used to compare the effectiveness of studies that have used:
30) Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are effective for the treatment of: