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 Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following is NOT the case regarding human infants?

a) Infants are dependent upon others for the provision of basic needs.
b) Infants are unable to process perceptual information.
c) Babies have an array of perceptual and physical capacities which enable them to engage with the world in more complex ways than was once believed.
d) Some of the baby’s capacities seem to be present at birth, some develop rapidly during the first year or so, and some vary according to the opportunities for exercising them.

2. Which reflex in infants ensures that normal infants will respond to contact with the mothers’ breast by seeking out the nipple and feeding?

a) Rooting reflex
b) Moro reflex
c) Sucking reflex
d) (a) and (c)
e) (b) and (c)

3. Which of these are actual neonate reflexes?

  1. The grasping reflex.
  2. The ballistic reflex.
  3. The stepping reflex.
  4. The rooting reflex.
a) 1 & 4
b) 2 & 3
c) 1, 2 & 4
d) 1, 3 & 4

4. Which of the following statements about Jean Piaget is NOT true?

a) Piaget developed a model of cognitive development which holds that children’s thinking progresses through a series of orderly stages.
b) According to Piaget, the sensorimotor stage extends from approximately 2 to 7 years of age.
c) Piaget regarded the child in the sensorimotor stage as acting to learn about itself and its relations to the environment.
d) Piaget believed that children learn by doing.

5. According to Jean Piaget, what is the first stage of cognitive development, occurring from birth to two years of age?

a) Sensorimotor stage
b) Infant cognition stage
c) Object permanence
d) Sensory information stage
e) Operational stage

6. Which of the following assertions about object permanence is NOT actually the case?

a) In the first few months of life, the stability of objects in their lives is generally beyond infants’ control.
b) Object permanence is the notion that an object exists only while we can see it.
c) Piaget maintained that very young infants have no conception of the durability of objects.
d) Developments during the sensorimotor stage of development include learning to use objects as tools.

7. Which of the following statements is true in language development?

a) In their first few months of life, infants can discriminate among sounds in foreign languages that are not used in their own community.
b) In their first few months of life, infants can only discriminate among sounds in the language of their own community.
c) Towards the end of our teens, we begin to lose our sensitivity to phonetic contrasts in languages other than the one(s) we learned as children.
d) Language acquisition is complete by about age 4.

8. Language in the form of phonemes or words is typically apparent in children of which age?

a) Six months
b) One year
c) Three months
d) Two years
e) Five years

9. Which of the following assertions about social development is INCORRECT?

a) The development of the two aspects of social selectivity – attachment and wariness of strangers – are closely related in onset and developmental significance.
b) According to Bowlby, through the course of the first attachment the infant begins to formulate an internal working model of what a relationship involves.
c) Through forming an attachment, the infant minimizes opportunities for nurturing and protection.
d) Many social developmentalists believe that the formation of attachments is a vital aspect of early relations.

10. An infant acts relatively indifferent to her mother’s presence, does not seem greatly disturbed by her departure, and does not go to her when she returns. This is an example of which type of infant attachment style according to Mary Ainsworth and colleagues?

a) Secure attachment
b) Insecure attachment/resistant
c) Insecure attachment/avoidant
d) Preoperational attachment
e) None of the above

11. Which one of the statements below is correct in relation to children’s perceptual and motor development in the pre-school years?

a) By the age of 2, many children have begun to walk unaided and can manipulate objects independently.
b) A 3-year-old is likely to be quite mobile but may find it difficult to run.
c) A typical 3-year-old has the same agility as a typical 5-year-old.
d) Skills such as throwing and catching, jumping and hopping begin to emerge at around 7 to 8 years.

12. According to Piaget, the preoperational stage refers to the development of which cognitive abilities in children?

a) Child begins to speak for the first time
b) Child begins to recognize faces of primary caregivers
c) Child begins to solve problems logically
d) Child begins to represent the world symbolically but remains intuitive and egocentric
e) (a) and (b)

13. Which, if any, of these statements about Piaget’s conservation test is accurate?

a) The conservation test can only be conducted with children aged under 5 years.
b) In the water conservation task, the level of liquid is maintained at exactly the same height when it is transferred to a differently shaped beaker.
c) The pre-operational child’s judgement is swayed by one dimension, such as the fact that the contents of one beaker look taller than the other.
d) None of the above.

14. Which of the following statements about theory of mind is INCORRECT?

a) Theory of mind refers to the understanding that people have mental states that influence our behaviour.
b) Findings from theory of mind studies indicate that pre-schoolers have few problems understanding that people’s behaviour is an outcome of their mental states.
c) Mental states include thoughts, beliefs, feelings, desires.
d) If you have a theory of mind, you understand that people act according to what they believe to be the case.

15. How does Noam Chomsky explain the rapid and complex acquisition of language in children?

a) Knowledge of language is modeled from caregivers
b) Knowledge of language is innate
c) Knowledge of language is reinforced in school
d) Knowledge of language is reinforced and practiced with peer groups
e) (a) and (d)

16. Which of the statements given below is an accurate assertion in relation to learning about gender?

a) Children do not segregate by gender in the pre-school years.
b) It is generally accepted that gender roles are acquired because of our biological pre-programming.
c) By the early pre-school years, most children know whether they are a boy or girl and can distinguish men from women.
d) Girls initially tend to be more physically active than boys.

17. At which age can children accurately predict the gender of a person stereotypically based on the attributes associated with particular activities?

a) One year of age
b) Six years of age
c) Ten years of age
d) Two years of age
e) Five years of age

18. Metalinguistic awareness refers to which ability in children?

a) The ability to think and talk about language and its properties
b) The ability to think and talk about gender and its properties
c) The ability to read mathematical operations
d) The ability to speak multiple languages
e) (a) and (d)

19. When someone’s biological sex does not match their gender identity, they may be experiencing which phenomenon?

a) Transexual identity
b) Communicative disorder
c) Sexual dysfunction
d) Gender identity disorder
e) All of the above

20. Researchers have demonstrated that between the ages of 6 and 10, the meaning of “friendship” progresses in the following way:

a) Mutual support to reciprocity to social ties
b) Mutual liking to trust to reciprocity
c) Reciprocity to mutual liking to trust
d) Trust to sharing to mutual liking
e) None of the above



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