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Instructors' Area

For instructors who feel they spend too much time formulating and producing material for classes and exams and not enough time teaching, Psychology's password-protected Instructors' Area is a boon.

What can this website offer you, the instructor?

The following resources can either be accessed online, or you can request a copy of all the complete resources library in Blackboard and Web CT course cartridges

  1. Use the menu above to access a large testbank of Multiple Choice questions, designed for use either in informal class tests or in more formal exams. The smaller number of practice multiple-choice questions in the Student's Area complements, rather than overlaps with, the content of the instructor's testbank.

  2. The Fill in the Blanks and Essay Questions provided in the Students' Area can also be covered as part of a class exercise.

  3. You can also use the menu above to access ALL of the figures and tables from the book, available in PowerPoint format: simple to download and use as required in your own lecture presentations.

  4. The menu also provides access to further lecture assistance in the form of lecture slides by chapter, containing all content in bullet-point format plus figures and tables. This adaptable lecture-by-lecture guide will give you the perfect platform from which to put together lectures.

  5. We provide chapters in electronic form, allowing you to search easily for specific terms and themes in the book.

  6. Drop-down contents lists allow you to switch from short lists to extremely detailed ones within seconds. Further reading suggestions and other in-text features can also be accessed from here within a click or two.

  7. Our main online glossary enables you to find definitions of all the key terms in the textbook at a glance.
Simply complete the short registration form and, upon approval, a unique password will be e-mailed to you. Then feel free to explore!

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