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 Fill in the Blanks

1. Some neurons in the respond only to the sight of food (11.8 per cent), some respond to the taste of food (4.3 per cent), and some of these (2.5 per cent) respond to both the sight and taste of food (Rolls, Burton & Mora, 1980).

2. How do we regulate body weight and fat over the long term? Recent research has uncovered a hormone, (also called OB protein), which performs this function.

3. The orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala are involved in decoding the stimuli that provide the rewards for feeding, and in connecting these signals to hunger/satiety signals. How do these brain regions further connect to behavioural systems? One path is via the another route is via the .

4. Many of the ’s connections are similar to those of the orbitofrontal cortex, and indeed it has many connections to the orbitofrontal cortex itself.

5. primates (those with a single mate) living in scattered family units, such as some baboons, have small testes. primates (those with many mates) living in groups, such as chimpanzees, have large testes and copulate frequently.

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