
The fifth edition of the classic text introduces strategic thinking and planning strategies to advanced undergraduate and graduate students as well as practitioners in the field of health care.

The ability to evaluate the changing environment, analyze data, question assumptions, and develop new ideas is crucial for strategic managers; Swayne, Duncan, and Ginter continue to demonstrate how strategic management 'maps' can provide the direction needed for successful implementation.

New to the fifth edition:

The text also retains important features that have made previous editions of the book such a success. Each chapter contains:

The text demonstrates how strategic managers may become strategic thinkers with the ability to evaluate the changing environment, analyze data, question assumptions, and develop new ideas. Additionally, it presents methods to develop and document a plan of action through strategic planning. The text illustrates how, as strategic managers attempt to carry out the strategic plan, they evaluate its success, learn more about what works, and incorporate new strategic thinking into future planning, strategy formulation, or situation analysis.

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