The references and links on these pages have been collected and reviewed by Colin Robson. They will be updated on a regular basis.
Click on the links below for lists of texts on research methods in specific disciplines or areas of study:
Recommended general research methods texts in BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT
Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2011) Business Research Methods. 3rd edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2009) Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students. 3rd edition. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Saunders, M., Thornhill, A. and Lewis, P. (2009) Research Methods for Business Students. 5th edition. Harlow : Prentice Hall.
Recommended general research methods texts in EDUCATION
Cohen, L., Manion, l. and Morrison, K. (2011) Research Methods in Education. 7th edition. London : Routledge.
Mertens, D. M. (2010) Research Methods in Education and Psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. 3rd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Thomas, D. (2009) How to do Your Research Project: A Guide for Students in Education and Applied Social Sciences. London : Sage.
Recommended general research methods texts in NURSING AND OTHER HEALTH-RELATED AREAS
Bowling, A. (2009) Research Methods in Health: Investigating Health and Health Services. Maidenhead, Berks: Open University Press.
Ellis, P. and Standing, M (2010) Understanding Research for Nursing Students. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.
Gerrish, K. and Lacey, A. (eds.) (2010) The Research Process in Nursing. 6th edition. Oxford : Blackwell.
Recommended general research methods texts in PSYCHOLOGY
Breakwell, G., Hammond, S., Fife-Schaw, C. and Smith, J., (eds.) (2006) Research Methods in Psychology. 3rd edition. London : Sage.
Coolican, H. (2009) Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. 5th edition. London : Hodder Education.
Howell, D. and Cramer, D. (2010) Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology. 3rd edition. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Langdridge, D. (2009) Introduction to Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology. 2nd edition. Harlow : Pearson Education.
Recommended general research methods texts in SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY
Bernard, H. R. (2000) Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. 2nd edition. Walnut Creek, CA : AltaMira Press.
Bernard, H. R. (2005) Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 4th edition. Walnut Creek, CA : AltaMira Press.
Epstein, A. L., (ed.) (2011). The Craft of Social Anthropology. 3rd edition. Piscataway, NJ : Transaction.
Recommended general research methods texts in SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL POLICY
Alston, M. and Bowles, W. (2003) Research for Social Workers: An introduction to methods. London : Routledge.
Becker, S. and Bryman, A. (eds.) (2004) Understanding Research for Social Policy and Practice. Bristol : Policy Press.
Whittaker, A. (2009) Research Skills for Social Work. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.
Recommended general research methods texts in SOCIOLOGY
Bryman A. (2008) Social Research Methods. 3rd edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Gilbert, N. (ed.) (2008) Researching Social Life. 3rd edition. London : Sage.
Seale, C. (2004) Researching Society and Culture. London : Sage.
Recommended general research methods texts in SPORT AND LEISURE STUDIES
Gratton, C. and Jones, I. (2010) Research Methods for Sports Studies. 2nd edition. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge.
Lynch, C. (2010) Doing your Research Project in Sport: A Student Guide. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.
Veal, A. J. (2011) Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism: A practical guide. 4th edition. Harlow : Prentice Hall.
Recommended general research methods texts in OTHER AREAS
Berger, A. A. (2011) Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. 2nd edn. London: Sage.
Burnham, P., Lutz, K.G., Grant, W. and Layton-Henry, Z. (2008) Research Methods in Politics. 2nd edn. xxx: Palgrave Macmillan.
Flowerdew, R. and Martin, D., (eds.) (2005) Methods in Human Geography: A guide for students doing a research project. 2nd edition Harlow : Prentice Hall.
Griffin, G. (ed.) (2005) Research Methods for English Studies. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
Groat, L. and Wang, D. (2002) Architectural Research Methods. Chichester : Wiley
Högland, K. and Öberg, M. (2011) (eds.) Understanding Peace Research: Methods and Challenges. London: Routledge.
Davies, P. M., Francis, P. and Jupp, V. (eds.)(2011) Doing Criminological Research. 2nd edition. London : Sage.
McDowell, W. H. (2002) Historical Research: A guide. Harlow : Longman.
Manheim, J. B., Rich, R. C., Willnat, L. and Brians, C. (2005) Empirical Political Analysis: Research methods in political science. 6th edition. Harlow : Longman.
Mikkelsen, B. (2005) Methods for Development Work and Research: A new guide for Practitioners. 2nd edition. London : Sage.
Pickard, A. (2006) Research Methods in Information. London : Facet Publishing.
Pickering, M. and Griffin, G. (2008) Research Methods for Cultural Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.