Managing Construction Projects



Part I Introduction

1 The Management of Construction Projects - download this chapter (PDF file)
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Projects as the creation of new value
1.3 The project as an information processing system
1.4 Project management and the management of projects
1.5 Projects and resource bases
1.6 The five generic project processes
1.7 The plan of the book
1.8 Relationship to the project management bodies of knowledge
1.9 Summary
Case 1 The Channel Fixed Link

2 The Context of Construction Project Management
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The concept of a national business system
2.3 The concept of a construction business system an actor/system perspective
2.4 Analysing national construction business systems
2.5 The regulatory context
2.6 The construction cycle
2.7 The development of concession contracting
2.8 Summary
Case 2 The UK Construction Business System
Further reading

Part II Defining the Project Mission    Back to top

3 Deciding What the Client Wants
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Facilities as new value
3.3 Understanding the spatial aspects of business processes
3.4 Indoor environmental quality and business processes
3.5 Justi6ing the investment
3.6 Defining the project mission: a conceptual framework for product integrity
3.7 Output specifications in concession contracting
3.8 Summary
Case 3 Defining the Mission at the University of York
Further reading

4 Managing Stakeholders
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Which are the project stakeholders?
4.3 Mapping stakeholders
4.4 The regulatory context
4.5 Managing consent
4.6 Ethics in project mission definition
4.7 The role of visualisation
4.8 Summary
Case 4 The Rebuilding of Beirut Central District
Further reading

Part III Mobilising the Resource Base    Back to top

5 Forming the Project Coalition
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The principal/agent problem in construction
5.3 Procuring construction services
5.4 The formation of project coalitions
5.5 Selecting resource bases
5.6 Forming more effective project coalitions
5.7 The development of e-procurement
5.8 Probity in procurement
5.9 Summary
Case 5 Partnering Between Marks & Spencer and Bovis
Further reading

6 Motivating the Project Coalition
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The problem of moral hazard in construction projects
6.3 The problem of switching costs
6.4 Managing the problem of moral hazard
6.5 Managing the problem of moral hazard
6.5 Contractual uncertainty and risk allocation
6.6 Governing the contract and the role of third parties
6.7 The dynamic of adversarial relations
6.8 Alliancing
6.9 Summary
Case 6 The Andrew Project
Further reading

7 Managing the Dynamics of the Supply Chain
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Horizontal and vertical governance
7.3 Internal resource mobilisation
7.4 Shirking
7.5 The role of sequential spot contracting in construction employment
7.6 Managing the supply chain
7.7 Managing consortia and joint ventures
7.8 The dynamics of supply chains
7.9 Clustering the supply chain
7.10 Summary
Case 7 Building Down Barriers
Further reading

Part IV Riding the Project Life Cycle   Back to top

8 Minimising Client Surprise
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The project life cycle and the facility feedback loop
8.3 The gap analysis approach
8.4 What do we mean by project success?
8.5 The nature of information flows in problem-solving
8.6 Moving from phase to phase: gating the process
8.7 Process representation
8.8 Business process redesign
8.9 Knowledge management and learning from projects
8.10 Summary
Case 8 Riding the Life cycle on the Glaxo Project
Further reading

9 Defining Problems and Generating Solutions
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Tame and wicked problems in the project process
9.3 Solving the briefing problem
9.4 Solving the design problem
9.5 The cult of wickedness
9.6 The management of design
9.7 Tools for managing the briefing and design problems
9.8 Summary
Case 9 The Sheffield Arena
Further reading

10 Managing the Budget
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Levels of accuracy in project budgets
10.3 Developing a budgetary system
10.4 Using the PBS to control the budget
10.5 Value engineering and cost management
10.6 Constructability
10.7 Using the WBS to control the budget
10.8 Controlling the budget
10.9 Earned value analysis
10.1 0 Budget overruns and escalating commitments
10.11 Summary
Case 10 The Centuria Project
Further reading

11 Managing the Programme
1 1.1 Introduction
11.2 Critical path method
11.3 Resourcing the project
11.4 The limitations of the critical path method
11.5 The critical chain method
11.6 Reducing task duration variability - last planner
11.7 Programming reciprocating processes
11.8 Visualising the programme
11.9 Summary
Case 11 Centuria Project
Further reading

12 Managing Conformance Quality
12.1 Introduction
12.2 The principles of quality management systems
12.3 Inspection
12.4 Quality control
12.5 Quality assurance
12.6 Integrated management systems for environment, safety and health
12.7 Creating a culture of improvement
12.8 Quality awards and self-assessment
12.9 Conformance management in a project environment
12.10 Standardisation and pre-assembly
12.11 Summary
Case 12 Safety Management Systems in France and Great Britain
Further reading

13 Managing Uncertainty and Risk on the Project
13.1 Introduction
13.2 What is risk?
13.3 Project risk management
13.4 Risk management practice
13.5 The elicitation of subjective probabilities
13.6 The strategic management of project risks
13.7 Summary
Case 13 Managing Front-end Risks Through Networks: Boston Central Artery/Tunnel
Further reading

14 Managing the Project Information Flow
14.1 Introduction
14.2 The principles of integrated project information
14.3 The development of information and communication technologies
14.4 Engineering information management systems
14.5 Enterprise resource management systems
14.6 e-construction
14.7 Project extranets
14.8 The role of the project manager in managing project information
14.9 Summary
Case 14 Engineering Information Management and Enterprise Resource Management at COWI Consult
Further reading

Part V Leading the Project Coalition    Back to top

15 Designing Effective Project Organisations
15.1 Introduction
15.2 The rise of the project management concept
15.3 The responsibilities of the client
15.4 Who is the project manager?
15.5 Organising the project through the life-cycle
15.6 Project organisation in construction
15.7 Determining the organisation breakdown structure
15.8 Project teamwork
15.9 Constructing the team
15.10 Summary: project organisation design
Case 15 GLAXO Project Organisation
Further reading

16 Infusing the Project Mission
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Appropriate leadership
16.3 Leadership style
16.4 Construction project leadership
16.5 Resolving conact on the project
16.6 The levers of power
16.7 Project culture and leadership
16.8 Summary: infusing the project mission
Case 16 Patrick Crotty: Project Director on the Waterloo International Project
Further reading

17 Conclusions: Revaluing Construction Project Management
17.1 Revaluing construction project management
17.2 A design-led construction project management
17.3 A performance-driven construction project management
17.4 Systems thinking and project management
17.5 Professionalism and bureaucracy in construction project management
17.6 Summary of the book
17.7 A concluding thought

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