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Acta Physiologica Congress


Acta Physiologica 2007; Volume 191, Supplement 658
Joint Meeting of The Slovak Physiological Society, The Physiological Society and The Federation of European Physiological Societies
Bratislava, Slovakia

Abstract number: SF14-67

Crepel1 V., Aronov2 D., Jorquera1 I., Represa1 A., Ben-Ari1 Y., Cossart1 R.

1INMED, INSERM U29, Parc Scientifique de Luminy, BP. 13, Marseille, France
2M.I.T, Cambridge, MA, USA [email protected]

Correlated neuronal activity is instrumental in the formation of networks, but its emergence during maturation is poorly understood. In my talk I will present how the development of population coherence from embryonic to postnatal stages in the hippocampus can be followed by multibeam two-photon calcium microscopy combined with targeted electrophysiological recordings. In particular I will describe a new form of immature correlated activity (SPAs : Synchronous Plateau Assemblies) that synchronizes at birth small cell assemblies coupled by gap junctions. These neuronal assemblies generate synchronous nonsynaptic calcium plateaus associated to recurrent burst discharges. I will present the mechanisms responsible for the generation of SPAs. I will demonstrate how, in the developing hippocampus, delivery is an important signal that triggers the first coherent activity pattern, which is silenced by the emergence of synaptic transmission.

To cite this abstract, please use the following information:
Acta Physiologica 2007; Volume 191, Supplement 658 :SF14-67

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