Robert W. Kolb text1
Futures, Options, & Swaps Text2
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"Bob Kolb's Futures, Options, and Swaps is the best college textbook I have ever reviewed in my 25-year teaching career. In my opinion, every finance professor and practitioner should have a copy because it breaks new ground on several fronts. This book is self-contained and combines theory with practice. It is solidly grounded in modern derivative theory and yet has strong ties to the real world of financial derivatives."
Suk H. Kim, University of Detroit Mercy
"This edition, with its outstanding balance of theory and application along with its thorough coverage of relevant institutional arrangements, provides students at all levels with an excellent understanding of these markets. The accompanying OPTION! software is a powerful teaching aide for the pricing of various option and swaps products."
Gerry Gay, Georgia State University  
Blackwell Publishing