
Implantable Cardioverter - Defibrillators Step by Step Companion Site

Implantable Cardioverter - Defibrillators Step by Step: An Illustrated Guide (1405186380) cover image
by Roland X. Stroobandt, S. Serge Barold, Alfons F. Sinnaeve
January 2009, Paperback, Wiley-Blackwell

Welcome to the resources site for Implantable Cardioverter - Defibrillators Step by Step: An Illustrated Guide.

  • The website includes a selection of over 150 images taken from the book.
  • You are free to download these images and use them in your own presentations to students (Please note that these images are for your own use for study and instruction. If you are using these images in a presentation, the reference to the book should always be displayed along with the image.)

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