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Acta Physiologica Congress


Acta Physiologica 2012; Volume 206, Supplement 692
The 63rd National Congress of the Italian Physiological Society
Verona, Italy

Abstract number: O.54


1Dept of Medicine, Univ. of Verona, Italy

In life sciences physiology is a discipline dealing with the normal function of living organisms. Rules and ,models are proposed to give a highly structured knowledge of the living organisms. Within a learning project, physiology quotes as a core competence, and it is usually placed in the student curriculum in a preclinical position as a prerequisite to clinical areas. It should be however kept in mind that each human being is an individual and that the best care for him/her is the main task of clinical sciences. "Universal" and "individual" concepts and needs are therefore met by students during a critical phase where they should develop the ability of putting physiology in practice. Many examples of this action may be mentioned and an "appropriate" competence in physiology is a propaedeutic tool. The question is whether teaching and learning physiology should be done in an integrated way, according to a general concept of continuity of the knowledge, competence and abilities trigged by clinical problems, by PBL and by assisted learning-driving integrated assessment method. Though in most medical faculties, physiology is focused on cellular and molecular biology, with no or limited contact with the patient, clinical physiology could be a bridge between preclinical and physiology and it could be considered as a new opportunity for teaching physiology by fostering integration between preclinical and clinical competencies. Finally, clinicians and physiologists should cooperate with shared learning targets, teaching methods, integrated lectures, PBL, tutor-assisted clinical meetings and lab experiences and introduce an integrated assessment focused on the key aspects of the physiology knowledge and competence.

To cite this abstract, please use the following information:
Acta Physiologica 2012; Volume 206, Supplement 692 :O.54

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