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Acta Physiologica Congress


Acta Physiologica 2012; Volume 204, Supplement 689
91st Annual Meeting of The German Physiological Society
Dresden, Germany

Abstract number: O38

Faria1 *D., Witzgall1 R., Bierer2 S., Schlatter3 E., Heitzmann3 D., Pavenstadt3 H., Grahammer4 F., Kunzelmann1 K., Schreiber1 R.

1University of Regensburg, Institute of Physiology, Regensburg, Germany
2Universittsklinikum Mnster, Klinik und Poliklinik fr Urologie, Munster, Germany
3Universittsklinikum Mnster, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik D, Munster, Germany
4Universittsklinikum Freiburg, Nephrologie und Allgemeinmedizin, Freiburg, Germany

Anoctamin 1 (Ano1) is an intrinsic constituent of Ca2+ acivated Cl- channels (CaCC) expressed in several epithelial tissues and also smooth muscle cells. Loss of Ano1 causes a defect in epithelial Ca2+-dependent chloride transport in knockout (KO) mice. Here we investigated the physiological significance of Ano1 for renal function. Expression of Ano1 in human and mouse kidneys was confirmed by RT-PCR in total RNA and by Western blot. Immunofluorescence in mouse kidneys showed apical expression of Ano1 in proximal tubular epithelial cells, where it colocalized with cubulin. Expression was also detected in glomeruli. Urine samples from wt- and Ano1-KO mice revealed high molecular weight proteinuria. Electron microscopy of WT- and Ano1-KO kidney slices showed accumulation of intracellular vesicles in proximal tubular epithelial cells. Because Ano1-KO causes multiple organ defects which may also indirectly affect kidney function, we generated floxed Ano1 mice. To differentiate between a deficiency in glomerular filtration and proximal tubular protein re-absorption, we generated a podocyte-specific Ano1-KO: Ano1 flox/flox;Nphs2-cre+. Podocytes from Ano1 flox/flox;Nphs2-cre+ showed no obvious ultra-structural changes and no morphological differences were detected on the glomerular filtration barrier. Also, urine protein concentration and GFR were not different between WT and KO mice. These results suggests that proteinuria in Ano1 KO mice is not due to dysfunction of podocytes.

(Supported by DFG/SFB699, DF: PhD fellowship SFRH/BD/43313/2008)

To cite this abstract, please use the following information:
Acta Physiologica 2012; Volume 204, Supplement 689 :O38

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