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Acta Physiologica Congress


Acta Physiologica 2011; Volume 203, Supplement 686
Joint Congress of FEPS and Turkish Society of Physiological Sciences
Istanbul, Turkey

Abstract number: PC160

Ermutlu1 Numan, Eskikurt2 Gökçer, Markovska Simoska3 Silvana, Pop Jordanova4 Nada, Isoglu Alkac5 Ümmühan, Karamursel5 Sacit

1Medical Faculty Department of Physiology, Istanbul Bilim University, Istanbul, Turkey
2Institute of Experimental Medicine, Department of Neuroscience, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
3Research Center for Energy, Informatics and Materials, Division of Neurounformatics, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Macedonia
4Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,University of Skopje, Macedonia
5Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Physiology, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey


Examination of EEG power bands during resting, cold stress (CS), mental stress (MS)and MA+CS conditions.


Eleven channel EEG was recorded from 7 volunteered university students during resting, cold stress (CS) mental stress MS) and MS+CS conditions. Blood pressures and heart rates of the participants were also recorded during aforementioned conditions. An arithmetical calculation task (Mental calculation) was used as Mental Stress. Cold stres was induced by immersing hands alternately into cold water (4°C). Paired t-tests and power spectra were analysed with repeated measures ANOVA with condition (4), channel (11) within subject factors. Reduced degrees of freedom (Greengouse-Geisser) were used to counter violations of sphericity assumption where necessary.


There were significant differences in each power band for the Condition factor. delta: F(1,7)= 79,93, p<000.1; theta: F(1,7)=77,52, p<0.001; alfa: F(1,7)=17,75; p<0.001; beta: F(1,7)=118,37, p<0.001.

In pairwise comparisons LSD was used. Delta and theta powers were most apparently increased in the MS+CS (p<0.001). Alpha power was significantly decreased in the MS condition. Beta power was significantly increased in the MS and MS+CS. Channel and Channel X Condition interaction was not significant.


Our preliminary results suggest that during MS, there is a cortical activation and increased vigilance reflected by alpha decrease and beta increase. Whereas in double stress (MS+CS), presence of concomittant increases of delta, theta and beta bands, might suggest decrease of vigilance in the background of increased arousal.

To cite this abstract, please use the following information:
Acta Physiologica 2011; Volume 203, Supplement 686 :PC160

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