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Acta Physiologica Congress


Acta Physiologica 2011; Volume 201, Supplement 682
The 90th Annual Meeting of The German Physiological Society
Regensburg, Germany

Abstract number: P350

*Kaestner1 L., Scholz1 A., Ruppenthal1 S., Sauer1 B., Oberhofer1 M., Lipp1 P.

We face the situation that the number of medical students is increasing annually, without an appropriate adaptation of human resources for teaching. The aim was to face that situation by conceptual changes that sustain or even improve the educational level and the professional quality. Taking advantage of recent investments in the faculties IT-infrastructure we designed a web-associated teaching concept that combines the transfer of biological knowledge and the operation of web-associated design (TYPO 3). Small groups of students (n<=12) design a web-page under a given topic in a problem oriented manner. Each student has to evaluate/provide feedback to a given number of web-pages designed by other student-groups. Such the students can gain knowledge by "e-learning" and can based on the feed back consecutively improve their own presentation. With this procedure we intend to cultivate self-contained learning and working in general. The web-pages become recourses of knowledge for the students during their preparations for the examinations and during their further studies. We expect these resources to grow over the next few years becoming a general compendium. We can provide students evaluation of the seminars, but will not (yet) have results in terms of success rate in examinations compared to conventional presentation based seminars as performed in previous years.

To cite this abstract, please use the following information:
Acta Physiologica 2011; Volume 201, Supplement 682 :P350

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