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Acta Physiologica Congress


Acta Physiologica 2010; Volume 198, Supplement 677
Joint Meeting of the Scandinavian and German Physiological Societies
Copenhagen, Denmark

Abstract number: L-TUE-2


Investigators long inferred that cells stabilize intracellular pH (pHi) in the face of a predicted passive H+ influx. In 1976, work with De Weer provided the first dynamic evidence of pHi regulation: acid loaded with CO2, squid axons exhibit a pHi recovery toward normal. Introducing the NH4-prepulse technique to acid load cells, we found that the pHi recovery requires HCO3. Work with Russell on axons, and by Thomas on snail neurons, identified the process as Na-driven Cl-HCO3 exchange. In 1983, work with Boulpaep on renal tubules identified electrogenic Na/HCO3 cotransport. In 1997, Romero et al expression cloned NBCe1 (Na/ HCO3 cotransporter, electrogenic #1/SLC4A4), leading to the cloning of the other Na-coupled HCO3 transporters (NCBTs) that play key roles in pHi regulation and epithelial HCO3 transport: NBCe2 (SLC4A5), NBCn1 (electroneutral #1/SLC4A7), NBCn2 (SLC4A10), and NDCBE (Na-driven Cl- HCO3 exchanger/SLC4A8). Human NBCe1 mutations, first identified by Endou, cause severe renal-tubule acidosis and ocular, dental, and mental abnormalities. Genetic screens and mouse models associate other NCBT abnormalities with Usher 2B syndrome (NBCn1) and seizure susceptibility and autism (NBCn2). NBCe1 has a large cytosolic N terminus (Nt) that is dimeric in crystals, a large transmembrane domain with as many as 14 membrane spans, and a shorter cytosolic C terminus. Many NCBT-Nts contain an autoinhibitory domain whose effect is mooted when IRBIT binds to the Nt. We find that replacing the 4th extracellular loop of NBCe1 with that of NBCn1 converts the chimera to an electroneutral NBC. NBCn2 performs Cl-Cl exchange and in the absence of extracellular Cl-, does Na-driven Cl- HCO3 exchange. Under the same nonphysiological conditions, NDCBE does electroneutral Na/HCO3 cotransport. We hypothesize that all SLC4s are in fact exchangers that sometimes masquerade as cotransporters.

To cite this abstract, please use the following information:
Acta Physiologica 2010; Volume 198, Supplement 677 :L-TUE-2

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